Products related to Ashampoo-ActionCam:
Ashampoo ActionCam
Ashampoo® ActionCam Sensationally easy to enhance, stabilize, denoise and cut videos Full stability without camera shake Action Cams are everywhere, even when things get wild and events are happening. The result is often videos that are heavily shaken because the camera was unable to stabilize them. This seems dynamic, but also exhausting when watching them later. That's why Ashampoo ActionCam has the latest generation video stabilisation! Even videos that have been shot in full motion or from free hand get a realistic, smoother camera image - of course in maximum resolution! Stop the lens distortion! Wide-angle and fisheye lenses give you the feeling of being right in the middle of the action and not missing a thing. When watching a computer or television, many people would like to switch to normal optics. Ashampoo ActionCam calculates the distortion quite simply! This video editing software contains a number of built-in profiles of the most popular cameras such as the GoPro line and provides an undistorted, realistic image with just a click of the mouse! Powerful contrast and color optimization Improve the video quality afterwards by adjusting contrast and colour to the optimum. After a few clicks, your recordings will look more vivid, realistic and interesting. White balance can make videos appear warmer or colder, while selective editing of brightness, tint, shadows and highlights creates unique image accents. No matter from which source, your videos will gain a completely new look through the multi-layered optimization! This is how effective Action Cam video editing can be! Effective sharpening and fast processing The focus is not always correct for rapid shots, and the sharpness can also need to be improved for drone flights. Ashampoo ActionCam offers highly efficient sharpening, which removes even the last veils over the picture. And so that you can quickly get back into the adventure, you can have several video files improved at once, the practical batch processing makes it possible! The video editing you need Some programs have huge editors that take a long time to learn. This Action Cam editing program, however, has exactly what you really need! Simply rotate and tilt your videos by 90 / 180 / 270 degrees or by any angle you like. Cutting to a desired area is also possible without problems. Export only the highlights of your video or merge several photos and videos into a single clip! Add text and effects Videos often only get the finishing touches with inserted comments or special effects. Ashampoo ActionCam allows you to easily add text or use impressive effects such as the tilt shift filter. Here a special look is created through selective blurring, in which real landscape shots look like miniatures. Let your creativity run wild and accentuate where it makes the most impact! Change speed effectively Ashampoo ActionCam can also change the playback speed of videos. Most ActionCams record at 60 fps and more, which offers enough scope for fascinating slow motion shots. Of course, this also allows for impressive time laps, which e.g. let unimportant passages run faster without the need for additional cuts. Ideal for drone fans But you can not only edit GoPro videos or other action cam videos. Drones offer us wonderful sights that were reserved for pilots a few years ago. With Ashampoo ActionCam you can quickly and easily edit drones videos. Camera shake is particularly common, coloration and sharpness are not always optimal and contrasts are in need of improvement. With just a few clicks Ashampoo ActionCam takes care of these problems and gives your skystormers the best picture! Functions Powerful contrast and color optimization ● Visual effects with fascinating results ● Miniature effect through Tilt-Shift-Filter ● Remove fisheye effect and wide angle distortion ● Prefabricated profiles of the most popular Action Cams ● Stabilizes shaky images highly effectively and reliably ● Automatic sharpening for a completely new visual experience ● Sophisticated slow motion and fast motion through modified playback speed ● Comfortable adding of texts ● Easy video cutting and splicing ● Time-saving batch processing of several films at once ● Ideal for editing drone videos ● Thanks to our translators English German Dutch (Guy Raedersdorf) French Hungarian (László Koncz) Russian Polish (Artur Krupa) Italian Spanish Swedish (Olle Ohlsson) Turkish (Çağdaş Tatar) Czech (Libor Divis) Portuguese (Brazilian) (Josè Carlos Taveira) ChineseTraditional (Alan) Romanian (Andrei Grigorcea) Catalan (Joan Queralt) Slovakian (Milan Slovák) Finnish (Veikko Muurikainen) Spanish (Argentina) (Angel De Giorgi) System requirements operating system: You need the 64-bit version of the following operating systems: Windows® 10, Windows® 8, Windows® 7 software: Windows Media Player 10 .NET Framework 4.0 processor: DVD-quality processing / production - dual core processor with at least 2.4 GHz HD quality e...
Price: 14.25 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
Ashampoo ActionCam Key (Lifetime / 1 PC)
From shaky to steady in just seconds ActionCams are always on the scene even when things go wild or get slightly out of hand. The resulting videos are often shaky because the camera failed to stabilize them. That makes for interesting dynamics but can also make the viewing experience more stressful. Ashampoo ActionCam features next-gen video stabilization! Even handheld shots taken in full motion become more steady for a realistic, smooth viewing experience - at max resolution, naturally! Put...
Price: 13.47 € | Shipping*: 0.00 GBP € -
Ashampoo Cinemagraph
Ashampoo® Cinemagraph Easily create vivid photos & loop videos Vivid images that catch the eye and fascinate Cinemagrams are the stars on every homepage and every social media profile! Because Cinemagraphs are more than just animated images. Since they are neither photos nor videos, they immediately attract attention. Your videos become vivid photographs where certain elements or areas move in a wondrous way. These Cinemagrams can be created with Photoshop, with complicated or expensive Cinemagraph software or in a few steps with Ashampoo Cinemagraph! Create impressive cinematic diagrams in no time at all Fascinating results despite easy handling 23 effects with six fade modes Image stabilization against camera shake turning and cutting with any aspect ratio Rounded corners for a special look Slow motion and fast motion through variable playback speed Simply add texts All common video formats, codecs and resolutions supported Output as animated GIF or in numerous video formats Create and reuse user defaults Output formats: Animated GIF, MP4 (h264), WMV, Motion JPEG, WebM, OGG, uncompressed AVI As simple as image editing All you need is a video and of course Ashampoo Cinemagraph. The video should not be blurred, tripod shots are ideal. Let the video play in the program and simply mark with a brush those areas that should move. Size, hardness and opacity can be individually adjusted with sliders. We claim: With this program simply everyone can create a fascinating Cinemagraph! More than just an animation The interplay of moving and stationary areas inevitably draws the eye to the subject you want to bring to the fore. Cleverly selected, several optical layers are created and thus highly effective vivid photos & loop videos! Although the basis is always video, it seems to the viewer that you bring photos to life. Also an atmospheric highlight for all videos or slideshows! Variable image art You yourself decide which areas should be animated - and which areas remain motionless. The resulting videos convey an extraordinary atmosphere and can capture a moment particularly well! The output is then as GIF or video as desired. You can also define details such as size, quality and repetitions with a few clicks. And if you want to work audio-visually, the sound track can of course be used. Easily enhance videos for perfect cinematics Every video production needs an optimal source material. Therefore, with Ashampoo Cinemagraph you can quickly and easily adjust the exposure and coloration. Improve the saturation of your videos, edit shadows and highlights in no time! Make the best out of your videos with tonal value corrections or white balance adjustments to make your cinematic diagrams look even more intense! Add text and effects Even cinematic diagrams often get the finishing touches only by faded in comments or special effects. Ashampoo Cinemagraph allows you to easily add text or use 23 effects with six fade modes for very different moods. The strength and fading of the filters are of course finely adjustable. Let your creativity run wild and set accents where they are most impressive! Simply turn, cut and time This Cinemagraph software captures the perfect moment, correctly shot and in the best format, of course. Therefore, you can rotate your videos smoothly, choose the right picture detail and select the right aspect ratio. And since many things only look right in fast motion or slow motion, you can control the playback speed with just one click. Your preferred settings can also be saved and imported again later! Easily stabilize videos and remove camera shake The more quietly a camera is held while shooting, the clearer and more beautiful the Cinemagraph becomes. However, many shots taken with a mobile phone or an action cam are unsightly blurred. With Ashampoo Cinemagraph you will experience video stabilization in a class of its own! Even videos that have been shot in motion from the free hand will get a realistic, smoother camera image. Use our Cinemagraph software to create moving images that inspire! Create cinematics for free? No problem, you can use this Ashampoo product for 10 days without any restrictions, after a free registration you can even use it for 20 additional days! A month full of fascinating cinemagrams for free! Thanks to our translators English German Dutch (Guy Raedersdorf) French Hungarian (László Koncz) Russian Polish (Artur Krupa) Italian Spanish Swedish (Olle Ohlsson) Turkish (Çağdaş Tatar) Czech (Libor Divis) Portuguese (Brazilian) (Josè Carlos Taveira) ChineseTraditional (Alan) Romanian (Andrei Grigorcea) Catalan (Joan Queralt) Slovakian (Milan Slovák) Finnish (Veikko Muurikainen) Spanish (Argentina) (Angel De Giorgi) System requirements operating system: You need the 64-bit version of the following operating sy...
Price: 12.82 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
Ashampoo UnInstaller 9
Zawsze bez ryzyka poprzez całkowitą deinstalację! Z Ashampoo UnInstaller 9 możesz instalować, testować i odinstalowywać programy bez obaw. Jednocześnie zawsze masz pełną kontrolę nad tym, co może pozostać na Twoim komputerze! Program kompleksowo monitoruje każdą instalację tak, aby można ją było łatwo i bez pozostawiania jakichkolwiek pozostałości usunąć. Nawet programy bez wyrębu są usuwane przez głębokie czyszczenie bez pozostałości! UnInstaller 9 zmiata niepotrzebne oprogramowanie, rozszerzenia przeglądarki i paski narzędzi całkowicie z dysku twardego za pomocą jednego kliknięcia myszką! A dzięki innowacyjnej technologii migawkowej możesz zobaczyć każdą zmianę, jaka zaszła w Twoim komputerze - błyskawicznie i przejrzyście ułożoną. Odinstalować programy bez pozostawiania śladów Windows usuwa tylko to, na co pozwalają same zainstalowane programy - a to nie wystarczy! Często liczne wpisy w rejestrze, błędne alokacje lub pliki pozostające w systemie pozostają na dysku twardym. Resztki często powodują błędy, plątaninę dysku twardego i spowalniają cały komputer. Dzięki zaawansowanym mechanizmom wyszukiwania i czyszczenia, program znajduje znacznie więcej niż tylko Windows. Ashampoo UnInstaller 9 całkowicie usuwa niechciane oprogramowanie aż do ostatniego bajtu! Odinstaluj oprogramowanie jak zawodowiec! Nawet jako nowicjusz nie będziesz miał problemu z rozpoczęciem pracy z Ashampoo UnInstaller 9. Dzięki nowo zaprojektowanemu interfejsowi użytkownika wszystkie funkcje są dostępne za pomocą jednego kliknięcia myszką, a nawet skomplikowane technicznie procesy są zrozumiałe. Odinstaluj dowolny program wygodnie i nie pozostawiając niczego za sobą. Niech instalacje automatyczne je wykryją i zarejestrują. Uzyskaj ciekawy wgląd w to, co dzieje się na Twoim komputerze i wygodnie usuń to, co nie należy do niego. UnInstaller dla początkujących i profesjonalistów! Bezlitosne wobec niechcianych programów Ashampoo UnInstaller 9 usuwa programy, które stały się zbędne, nie spełniają wymagań - ale oczywiście również niechciane programy, które zostały ukryte przed Tobą! Zwłaszcza instalatorzy z witryn pobierania często stosują programy typu "piggyback", które nie są pożądane i są częściowo klasyfikowane jako spyware i malware. Ashampoo UnInstaller 9 wykrywa te programy nawet jeśli są one ukryte w skomplikowanych instalatorach i w razie potrzeby usuwa je z dysku twardego! Porównywanie migawek - o co chodzi? Wyobraź sobie, że Ashampoo UnInstaller 9 byłby administratorem dla Twojego komputera. Z każdym zdjęciem program tworzy kompletną inwentaryzację Twojego systemu. Lista ta zawiera wszystkie dane, a także ustawienia rejestru w systemie Windows. Jeśli pliki są dodawane (np. przez instalację), można utworzyć kolejną listę inwentaryzacyjną. Podczas porównywania znajdują się wszystkie różnice, każdy nowy lub usunięty plik, każdy zmieniony wpis w rejestrze. W UnInstaller 9 znajdziesz teraz zupełnie nowy snapshot kreator, który sprawia, że tworzenie i porównywanie jest bardzo łatwe! Cztery metody kasowania w celu całkowitej deinstalacji Ashampoo UnInstaller 9 wykorzystuje cztery techniki na raz, aby zapewnić, że żaden niepożądany bajt nie pozostanie w Twoim systemie. Najbardziej kompleksowy jest protokół, który UnInstaller 9 tworzy podczas instalacji każdego programu. Zawiera on listę wszystkich plików i wartości rejestrów, które powoduje dana instalacja. Ponadto program wykorzystuje procedurę dezinstalacji oprogramowania, które ma zostać usunięte. Jeśli istnieje profil dla oprogramowania, jest on również przetwarzany. Wreszcie, głębokie czyszczenie szuka ostatnich pozostałości, które mogą jeszcze znajdować się na dysku twardym! Z nową wersją, nawet po restarcie, będzie sprawdzać ostatnie szczątki! Usuń oprogramowanie z głębokim czyszczeniem Ashampoo UnInstaller 9 całkowicie rejestruje instalację każdego programu i w ten sposób gwarantuje dezinstalację bez pozostałości. Nawet programy, które są w inny sposób ukryte przed Tobą, są bezpiecznie rejestrowane. Ale nawet w przypadku programów, które nie są rejestrowane, inteligentny algorytm kasowania zapewnia skuteczną deinstalację. Dzięki głębokiemu czyszczeniu, niepotrzebne wpisy i pliki usuniętego oprogramowania, które w przeciwnym razie pozostałyby w systemie, są usuwane z dysku twardego. Twój strażnik, który monitoruje wszystkie instalacje Ashampoo UnInstaller 9's Guard zawsze ma oko na twój system i używa prawie żadnych wymiernych zasobów. Nawet jeśli usuniesz program za pomocą zwykłego programu odinstalowującego Windows, automatycznie wyszuka on kolejne pliki pozostające w systemie. Często nawet początek i koniec instalacji jest wykrywany automatycznie, dzięki czemu nie ma potrzeby samodzielnej interwencji! Z nową wersją, uczyniliśmy Straż jeszcze trudniejszą. Cokolwiek robi twój system, Strażnik ma wszystko na widoku! Niszczenie danych wrażliwych Wiele plików usuwanych podczas deinstalacji zawiera dane wrażliwe. To także ...
Price: 7.11 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
Why is Ashampoo Photo Commander Free suddenly not working anymore?
There could be several reasons why Ashampoo Photo Commander Free is suddenly not working anymore. It could be due to a software update that is not compatible with your operating system, a conflict with another program or software on your computer, a corrupted installation of the program, or a problem with your computer's hardware. It is recommended to check for updates, try reinstalling the program, and ensure that your computer meets the system requirements for the software.
Why is the Rollei Actioncam 4S Plus not working?
The Rollei Actioncam 4S Plus may not be working due to a variety of reasons such as a drained battery, faulty memory card, or a software glitch. It is also possible that the camera is not properly turned on or there may be a hardware issue. Troubleshooting steps such as checking the battery level, formatting the memory card, and updating the camera's firmware may help resolve the issue. If the problem persists, contacting Rollei customer support for further assistance may be necessary.
"Is the memory card compatible with the Rollei Actioncam 372?"
Yes, the memory card is compatible with the Rollei Actioncam 372. The Rollei Actioncam 372 supports microSD memory cards, and the memory card in question is a microSD card. Therefore, it should work seamlessly with the camera to store photos and videos. It's important to ensure that the memory card meets the camera's specifications for capacity and speed to ensure optimal performance.
Which memory card is suitable for the Rollei Actioncam 372?
The Rollei Actioncam 372 is compatible with microSD memory cards. It is recommended to use a microSD card with a Class 10 speed rating for optimal performance, especially when recording high-definition video. Additionally, the camera supports microSD cards with a capacity of up to 64GB, allowing for ample storage space for capturing all your adventures.
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Ashampoo UnInstaller 11
Automatically no chance for unwanted programs Remove software down to the last byte for a lean and clean Windows UnInstaller has not only users, but also fans! That's why we conducted three surveys during development to learn more about what you want - and received thousands of responses! This helped us develop features like Quick Uninstall (1-click uninstalls), manual log editing, improved cookie management, and better tooltips. The community also inspired us to add a widescreen mode for low-resolution screens, the ability to manually trigger a thorough clean, and improved registry analysis. All of these features were inspired by user feedback! We are very grateful for your help and hope you will enjoy the best Ashampoo® UnInstaller ever! The most intelligent installation monitor in the world! The installation guard of the previous versions was good, but Ashampoo® UnInstaller 11 puts them in the shade! Our latest installation guard detects different installation types and uses type-specific optimization to track even the smallest changes to your system. In most cases, logging will also start and stop automatically, so you won't have to lift a finger! In addition, the program can now distinguish new installations from updates to avoid erroneous logging! So UnInstaller can even better monitor what's happening on your PC! Check installed programs clearly arranged by categories As your system ages, programs pile up and it becomes increasingly difficult to keep track of software. UnInstaller 11 has a handy category view that lists all installed programs by category. The program automatically detects your installed software applications and sorts them into the appropriate categories. You can even manually categorize (brand new) unknown applications. And because the category view is so useful, you can also set it as the home page for your UnInstaller! We heard you The UnInstaller community had a lot of requests and useful suggestions - and we are happy to comply with them! Would you like to start the uninstallation directly from the program list? No problem! Want to manually trigger a thorough search for leftover files after uninstalling? Sure! Now you can also edit log files manually, e.g. to exclude items from removal. Finally, there is a faster way to manage your secure cookies! We've also added tooltips with useful information about the installation folders and optimized the view for low-resolution displays. Of course also for Windows 11! A freshly set up and clean system guarantees optimal performance. That's why we recommend using UnInstaller to install any new application. UnInstaller 11 is fully compatible with Windows 11 and guarantees a clean uninstallation of programs without any residues. Don't let software installations clog up your fresh, new Windows system! Let UnInstaller log your installations and rest assured that you will be able to completely remove everything with one click... The program also features an interface optimized for the new Windows 11 design, as well as three classic dark versions. System startup in full view What happens in your PC when you press the power button? What programs and tasks are loaded - and is there any way to speed it up? Boot Center shows you what happens on your PC during the boot process. Examine running processes and autorun entries and disable unnecessary programs, including system default applications! The handy task view lists all Windows tasks, even orphaned entries left behind during uninstalls. Get rid of the unnecessary and speed up your Windows PC startup time! Check Windows tasks and get rid of clutter Windows task scheduling has never looked so nice! Instead of navigating through boring system menus, take the easy way out and track down unnecessary or orphaned tasks in style. Use the filter for a better overview and disable or delete unnecessary tasks. Not sure what to delete? The integrated online search will help you decide! Simply evolved UnInstaller 11 is responsive, thorough and fast. The program adapts to your screen resolution and automatically switches to widescreen mode if necessary. Thorough cleaning now benefits from improved registry scans that track down every single byte - even if the original setup scripts are corrupted! You'll also notice a significant speed increase in many modules, as we've made extensive optimizations under the hood. Coupled with new and more efficient cleaners, this is the best Ashampoo® UnInstaller yet! Perfect uninstallations through heuristics and expertise Different setups behave differently on your Windows computer. That's why UnInstaller 11 detects the setup type and relies on an extensive database to track and predict their behavior - similar to the heuristics engines in antivirus programs. No other uninstaller can do this! The result is more detailed installation logs and the ability to distinguish between new installations and updates only. This feature also allows UnInstaller to reliably detect the...
Price: 10.68 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
Ashampoo WebCam Guard
No more taping off your webcam thanks to Ashampoo WebCam Guard! Even the big names in IT tape off their webcam! The thought that someone else could take control of your webcam and microphone is just too scary. Ashampoo WebCam Guard eliminates this problem permanently! The program uses a special algorithm for direct hardware access and disables it with a single click! And with just one more click, it can be turned on again if needed. Easily turn on/off your webcam and microphone Prevents unauthorized access to webcam and microphone Well-designed user interface for ease of use Disables the hardware through a specially developed algorithm Extremely resource-saving Automatic detection of connected hardware Easy access to standard Windows privacy settings and resources Supports automatic startup Safe through the workday with Ashampoo WebCam Guard Telecommuting or not, Zoom, Teams and Slack have become an integral part of many people's lives. At the same time, the Internet is littered with videos of users who forget to end their session or turn off their devices! Ashampoo WebCam Guard gives you instant visual feedback on the status of your camera and microphone - with the option to disable them with a single click, and the peace of mind that you won't become an unwilling entertainment object for your colleagues. No more fear of the unknown Malware, such as viruses and spyware, can activate your webcam and secretly record you. Cybercriminals use these recordings to extort money or shame their victims. Ashampoo WebCam Guard prevents these hostile takeovers and ensures 100% transparency: the compact, clear user interface signals which device can currently be used with a green or red button. More security for everyone Ashampoo WebCam Guard is super easy to use and immediately understandable. A single click disables/enables webcams and microphones - that's it! Further settings, such as autostart behavior or notifications, are possible via the program options. Sounds simple? It is! Ashampoo WebCam Guard is the simple and secure solution for more security and privacy! System requirements of Ashampoo WebCam Guard Operating system : Windows® 11, Windows® 10 Requirements: Any device that supports the above operating systems. Systems with ARM processors are not supported. Other: Full administrator rights are required to use the program. Internet connection is required to activate the program. The program license is checked repeatedly at regular intervals. Languages: German English Dutch (Guy Raedersdorf) French (Guy Raedersdorf) Hungarian (László Koncz) Russian (Сергей Царёв) Polish (Jacek Milecki) Italian Portuguese (Manuela Silva) Spanish (Miguel Blasco) Swedish (Olle Ohlsson) Turkish (Çağdaş Tatar) Czech (Libor Divis) ChineseSimplified (Smilefly ) Bulgarian (Георги Миргов) Portuguese (Brazilian) (Josè Carlos Taveira) ChineseTraditional (Alan) Danish (Kjeld Børager) Romanian (Andrei Grigorcea) Catalan (Joan Queralt) Slovakian (Milan Slovák) Finnish (Veikko Muurikainen) Spanish (Argentina) (Angel De Giorgi) Norwegian Nynorsk (Olai Otterå)
Price: 10.68 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
Ashampoo UnInstaller 12
Uninstall unwanted programs completely with Ashampoo UnInstaller 12 If you are worried about having unwanted programs on your computer that take up memory, consume resources and may even pose security risks, Ashampoo UnInstaller 12 is the perfect tool for you. With this software you'll not only be able to uninstall programs easily, but also make sure that they are removed completely. The program monitors every installation to make sure that nothing is left behind on your computer. Even programs without logging will be completely eliminated by the four-fold uninstallation including deep cleaning! UnInstaller 12 is a comprehensive solution that gives you complete control over what stays on your computer and what does not. With just one click you can remove unwanted software, browser extensions and toolbars. The new cookie management is just so handy because it deletes and protects cookies for all browsers and manages entire domains via wildcards. This allows you to use your computer faster and more efficiently. Innovative sleep mode: more resources by "hibernating" software One of the most innovative features of Ashampoo UnInstaller 12 is the sleep mode. This allows you to put programs that you are not currently using to sleep. This way, autostart entries, tasks and services of these programs don't have to be loaded anymore and don't burden the system until you wake them up again! This way you save resources and free memory. New Cleaner technology on average 50% faster while being more efficient The Cleaner features in UnInstaller 12 are comprehensive and powerful. With a new search algorithm, they are now 50% faster on average and still find more than ever! At the same time they use less memory, know the latest browsers and of course Windows 11 perfectly! Drive Cleaner features an intelligent search algorithm and lower memory usage. Registry Cleaner uses parallel analysis and multicore support. Internet Cleaner is lightning fast and has up-to-date profiles of the latest browsers. All this ensures optimal performance of your computer. Clear home page with more compact status messages UnInstaller 12 also has a clear home page with more compact status messages, so you can quickly and easily get an overview of the state of your computer. The buttons, icons and dialogs are perfectly aligned with Windows 11 to give you a seamless and pleasant user experience. Deep cleaning far more effective with new Cleaner technology The new Cleaner technology in UnInstaller 12 enables deep cleaning that is far more effective than other uninstallation tools. The animated interface of the Cleaner module has become clearer and more user-friendly. The advanced snapshot method analyzes what all has changed on the PC. System Requirements: Operating systems: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8 or Windows 7. Devices with ARM processors are not supported. Internet connection is required to activate the program.
Price: 10.68 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 26
The new Ashampoo WinOptimizer 26 turns on the turbo twice! Make your PC faster and clean it effectively - with just a few clicks! Windows is good - but it could be better and faster! Ashampoo WinOptimizer 26 does it for you! Because operating systems become slow, error-prone and accumulate data junk over time. Important setting options are missing or can be found hidden deep in the system. Privacy is also threatened, especially Windows 10 and Windows 11 transfer more data than the user may like. This is where WinOptimizer steps in - quickly, precisely and powerfully. Without prior knowledge or much time investment, your computer can also run quickly and smoothly again, just like freshly installed! Give your PC a fast, lean Windows with privacy secured! Find and delete sensitive data with Privacy Traces Cleaner Individual Windows optimization with Tuning Assistant Four powerful cleaners in One-Click Optimizer System analysis with more information and clarity Lightning fast Cleaner with new search algorithms Info overlays through Windows Notification Center Drive Cleaner with its own file filters Improved browser handling for Internet Cleaner Cleaner with profile support for browsers Read and uninstall Windows apps in UnInstall Manager 2 UnInstall Manager 2 with new design, look + feel Process Manager with tree structure Display of services for SVHOST processes Create and print modern designed reports SSD Wizard with new design and more information WinOptimizer-26 for up to 3 devices A better Windows on three PCs at once If you use Ashampoo® WinOptimizer privately, you can equip 3 of your computers with one license! Buy just one license and your whole family will benefit from a lean, fast and secure Windows! For commercial use only: one license per device. Completely new cleaner with more power and efficiency The hard disk cleaner for noticeably more hard disk space With completely new technical principles and algorithms, the popular cleaners are on average 50% faster and more effective! WinOptimizer has never had such an increase! Whether Drive Cleaner, Registry Cleaner or Internet Cleaner, the cleaners literally race over your hard disks and catch more data garbage than ever before. Even older systems benefit from the new performance, buttery smooth animations, less memory usage and new context menus. And of course the cleaners are perfectly adapted for all supported operating systems, setups and current browsers! A new dimension of deep cleaning thanks to WinOptimizer-26 Less data garbage, installation remnants and cache files on your hard disk With the advanced deep cleaning, the hunt for data garbage goes into a new round and solves data protection and display problems along the way! Delete old Windows versions, backup copies of updates or Windows statistics about your personal data usage! Solve rendering problems of your games by clearing the DirectX shader cache of Windows. Your Explorer displays content strangely? Clear its cache and gain considerable disk space by the way! No less than 8 powerful new options give you maximum possibilities! Less can be more! Clean up the Windows registry and much more with clarity and multi-core power In Cleaners, we've streamlined the interfaces so you can now see everything important at a glance. Collapsible categories reveal their details only when requested and clicked, and new context menus ensure that right-clicking is always worthwhile! A higher-level search reliably returns results across all categories, and running processes can be canceled at any time. The Registry Cleaner, for example, makes full use of your system's multicore for the first time, handling even large lists and statistics with ease. You will notice the difference immediately! The best cookie management for all cases - and browsers! Clean up and manage cookies with the best cookie module for Windows. It has never been so important to have a good cookie management. Because as useful and convenient as cookies are, they also pose a risk to your privacy. The brand new Cookie Management offers the solution here, cross-browser! Display all cookies and double-click to determine which ones are safe and should not be deleted. Assign placeholders and thus release cookies of an entire domain or add pages manually, your changes will then apply to all browsers. And if you change your computer, for example, you can also export or import this list! WinOptimizer-26 is also perfect for Windows 11! MS Windows 11 came out after the last Ashampoo WinOptimizer, so high time to dive completely into the new operating system! With perfectly customized buttons, icons and dialogs, the program almost merges with Windows 11. Hundreds of buttons have been tested and re-integrated, so you can customize the look and behavior of the new Windows. You can disable widgets, change the appearance of the much-discussed taskbar, configure Explorer differently, and much more! Make Windows 11 your system, accordin...
Price: 10.68 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
What are the exposure settings of the Rollei Actioncam 425?
The Rollei Actioncam 425 has a fixed aperture of f/2.8 and a fixed focal length of 2.4mm. It offers a wide-angle field of view of 170 degrees. The camera has various exposure settings including automatic exposure control, manual white balance, and exposure compensation. Additionally, it has a range of ISO settings from 100 to 1600 for different lighting conditions.
How can one delete files on the Rollei Actioncam 372?
To delete files on the Rollei Actioncam 372, you can connect the camera to a computer using a USB cable and access the camera's storage. From there, you can navigate to the folder containing the files you want to delete and simply select and delete them as you would with any other files on your computer. Alternatively, you can also use the camera's built-in menu system to navigate to the files you want to delete and use the camera's controls to delete them directly from the device.
How do I attach the Rollei Actioncam to the helmet?
To attach the Rollei Actioncam to a helmet, you can use the adhesive mount that comes with the camera. First, clean the surface of the helmet where you want to attach the mount. Then, peel off the backing of the adhesive mount and firmly press it onto the helmet. Once the mount is securely attached, you can then use the camera's mounting system to attach the Actioncam to the mount on the helmet. Make sure to double-check that the camera is securely attached before using it to ensure it doesn't come loose during activities.
Why is there no sound on the Rollei Actioncam 416?
There could be several reasons why there is no sound on the Rollei Actioncam 416. First, check if the microphone is turned on and not muted. Also, make sure that the camera's settings are configured to record audio. If the issue persists, it could be a hardware problem with the microphone or the camera itself, in which case it may need to be inspected or repaired by a professional.
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